Contact Jacobs

Jacobs Global Headquarters

1999 Bryan Street
Suite 3500
Dallas, TX 75201


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We want to hear from you.

  • Media Inquiries

    如果你是媒体的一员,想和我们的主题专家谈谈, we’ll connect you with the best point of contact.

    Public Relations Support

  • Investor Relations

    If you have a question about our filings, reports or earnings and investor webcasts and presentations, we’ll connect you with investor relations.

    Investor Relations Support

  • Careers

    To learn about career opportunities, search or apply for jobs, or review the status of your job application visit

    For assistance with other career questions, contact the support team:​

    Careers Support

  • Vendors/Suppliers

    For information about becoming a supplier to Jacobs:

    Supplier Registration


    Supplier Registration Support

  • Projects, RFPs and RFQs


    Global Sales Support

  • Former Employees

    Contact for assistance with:

    • wage and earnings information
    • employment verifications
    • retirement, pensions​
    • any other post-employment questions

    Former Employee Support

  • Other Topics

    For all other inquiries, please send us a note.

    Other Topics

Accessibility and Reasonable Accommodations

Website Accessibility

We want as many people as possible to be able to use this website. Please review our website accessibility statement.

雅各布斯遵守残疾规定,并为有精神或身体残疾的申请人提供合理的便利. 是否需要合理的便利来参与工作申请或招聘过程, please contact us. Please provide the following information in your message: (1) the reasonable accommodation(s) that you need; and (2) your contact information. Jacobs conducts an individualized assessment of requested accommodations. 请注意,雅各布斯不能通过我们的住宿电子邮件地址接受简历. Thank you for considering Jacobs for your next career opportunity.

Title VI Notice

根据1964年《首页》第六章,雅各布斯家族公司确保在所有项目和活动中不歧视. 如果您需要更多的信息或为残疾人或英语水平有限的人提供特殊帮助, please contact us.

State of Virginia

如果您需要更多的信息或为残疾人或英语水平有限的人提供特殊帮助, contact Steve Norford at (571) 294-2632 or through this contact form. 有听力或语言障碍的人可以通过弗吉尼亚中继服务联系雅各布斯, a toll-free telecommunications device (text telephone) 1.800.828.1120 for TTY (text telephone) /TDD or call 711.

Notice to U.S. Job Seekers

有听力或语言障碍的人可以拨打711与雅各布斯联系, a toll-free telecommunications relay service.

Learn more about accessibility at Jacobs